Heydar Aliyev's contributions to the people and statehood of Azerbaijan

In the difficult, complicated, turbulent and uncertain period of our political history - when the situation in the country is constantly getting worse and worse, when confidence is decreasing and hopes are running out, the National Leader performed one of his greatest services to our people - a rescue mission.

Heydar Aliyev during his leadership of our Republic, always kept our national interests high and worked diligently and determinedly for the sake of our Motherland.

Heydar Aliyev, who was elected the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan on July 14, 1969, despite the obstacles and restrictions created by Moscow, succeeded in creating solid foundations for the perspective development of our Republic, and built the foundation of Azerbaijan's future independence with his visionary policy.

Heydar Aliyev, who was elected a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR in December 1982, as the first deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, resolutely protected the interests of our people, took important steps for the development of our republic, prosperity and prosperity, and rendered historic services. The steps he took when he was the chairman of the Soviet played an exceptional role in mastering the idea of independence, ensuring national solidarity, and protecting national moral values and traditions of statehood.

At the initiative of the Great Leader, our tricolor flag, a relic of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, was raised for the first time in Nakhchivan, the term "Soviet Socialist" was removed from the name of the Nakhchivan MSSR, the tragedy of January 20 was given political value, the non-participation of the people of Nakhchivan in the referendum on the preservation of the USSR, the date of December 31 was recognized by the World Historical decisions have been made to declare the Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis.

The foundation of a new era of relations with Turkey was laid through the "Umid" bridge. All these steps with a national content, of exceptional socio-political, ideological and historical importance, were of great importance as an example of respect and reverence for the past, a clear vision of the future, and systematic activity aimed at national goals.

The return of Heydar Aliyev ensured the liberation of Azerbaijan. Chaos and civil strife were prevented and stability was ensured thanks to the National Leader's rich statecraft experience and purposeful policy.

The determined policy of Heydar Aliyev, who was elected the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of the will of our people in the presidential elections held on October 3 of that year, ensured that our country embarked on the path of development in accordance with national interests, requirements of the time and social and political realities.

Ensuring civil solidarity and national unity, political and legal reforms, including the holding of the first parliamentary elections in the period of independence, the preparation of the first Constitution of the period of independence and its adoption on the basis of a national vote - referendum, the elimination of censorship on the mass media, the creation of an army, based on national interests As a result of foreign policy, the increase in the number of friends and allies of our country, the delivery of the truths of Azerbaijan, including the rightful position of our country on the Karabakh issue to the world community, made an important contribution to Azerbaijan's progress on the path of democratic development and its integration into the world community based on progressive, civilized values.

Thanks to Heydar Aliyev, the international public opinion formed the image of Azerbaijan as a powerful state that implements policy based on national interests, has a strong and charismatic leader, and takes a principled position on national issues.

In addition to paying special attention to historical and political traditions, national-spiritual values, the Great Leader has put forward very important initiatives and taken important steps based on innovative, progressive views and calculated for the happy future of the people. Ensuring political succession is a fateful event with an exceptional place and role in the history of modern statehood of Azerbaijan. Therefore, politicians, political analysts, researchers and ordinary citizens value this reality as one of the greatest historical services of the National Leader to our people.

As a whole, the work done under the leadership of the Great Leader both during the Soviet Union period and after the restoration of independence ensured the bright future of the new Azerbaijan. Therefore, we say with confidence that the development of Azerbaijan as an independent state and the achievement of historical successes are related to the name, policies and ideas of the National Leader. Heydar Aliyev's path is the chronicle of the development of our national statehood and state independence based on centuries-old history.

Great Leader Heydar Aliyev in his historic address to the people of Azerbaijan said, "I believe that with your help and support, Ilham Aliyev will be able to complete the plans and works that I could not complete. I believe in him as much as myself and I have great hopes for his future," he firmly emphasized. The people of Azerbaijan, who always rely on their leader - Heydar Aliyev, stand resolutely on the guard of the state and statehood, and who demonstrate a determined will, once again valued the call of the National Leader at the highest level and voted in 2003. once again said "YES" to Heydar Aliyev's policy and showed confidence in Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

History has witnessed the justification of the National Leader's faith and the people's trust. His political successor, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, successfully completed the works that time did not allow the Great Leader to complete, Heydar Aliyev's dreams became a reality. After the election of Mr. Ilham Aliyev as President in 2003, a qualitatively new stage in the life of the country began, new historical achievements were made, the unity of people and power was further strengthened, Azerbaijan became a leading power center and a leading state in the region, and most importantly, a winning country.

The processes that took place during the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the achieved achievements and the existing realities as a whole already confirm that Heydar Aliyev's path is the basis of great achievements of Azerbaijan. President Ilham Aliyev, who successfully and farsightedly continued the policy of the Great Leader, increased the economic potential and political influence of Azerbaijan, the development of bilateral and multilateral relations, the strengthening of its international position, the strengthening of the people-power unity, national solidarity, against the background of complex conditions and circumstances, where tough geopolitical struggle and competition are conducted. ensured the realization of national goals in the situation.

Independent Azerbaijan, confidently walking on the path of development based on the ideas of the national leader and the rich heritage of statehood, is achieving new strategic achievements under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, and the next honorable and proud pages of our national statehood history are being written. The development path of Azerbaijan, characterized as an example of tolerance and address of multiculturalism, international dialogue and cooperation, is an example for many countries. It is no coincidence that the world's influential experts and reputable strategic research centers, leading rating institutes value Azerbaijan's development model as a progressive example and express positive opinions and predictions about the future of our country.

The most important point of historical importance is that the Azerbaijani people, who fought with dignity and determination to restore the integrity of the Motherland and historical justice under the leadership of the President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, achieved their supreme goal in the war of justice, in 2020, 44 thanks to the great Victory won in the daily Patriotic War, which has no parallel in our last 200-year history, our lands were freed from occupation, and our territorial integrity and national dignity were restored.

As it is known, on September 19-20 of the current year, anti-terrorist measures of a local nature were carried out in order to stop and disarm the illegal Armenian armed groups in the Azerbaijani territories under the temporary control of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, and the terrorist groups were forced to surrender.

After the agreement was reached on the complete disarmament of the illegal Armenian armed groups and their withdrawal from their combat positions, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, consistent measures were taken to ensure peace, personal safety and social problems of the local residents in the areas inhabited by the Armenian population. the ammunition at the disposal of the Armenian military units was taken under the control of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces.

Today, huge restoration and construction works are being carried out in the territories freed from occupation, where our tricolor flag flies proudly and majestically. The Great Return to our lands freed from occupation has begun. Each visit of the victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva to those lands shows that the triumphal march continues, victorious Azerbaijan is able to ensure the Great Return, stable and decent settlement at a high level. shows to the world.

The path of progress and victory leads Azerbaijan to new goals and new heights based on the ideas of Heydar Aliyev and under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. Independent Azerbaijan confidently moves towards its strategic goals under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the successful follower of Heydar Aliyev's path. All these achievements and proud realities are the celebration of Heydar Aliyev's ideas and policy, the result of purposeful activities of President Ilham Aliyev, and the expression of the power of our state.

Khanim Rzazadeh

Head of the Technical Service Department of the State Population Registry Service under the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan Republic

