First VP Mehriban Aliyeva shares post on State Sovereignty Day - PHOTO

First Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva shared a post on her social media accounts on the occasion of the country's State Sovereignty Day, News.Az reports.

The photo posted features the following message: “Dear compatriots, I congratulate you on the occasion of State Sovereignty Day! May the territorial integrity and sovereignty achieved at the cost of the blood of our heroic soldiers, officers, and martyrs be eternal!"

News about - First VP Mehriban Aliyeva shares post on State Sovereignty Day -PHOTO

Today, Azerbaijan celebrates State Sovereignty Day , as established by a decree signed by President Ilham Aliyev.

The decree highlights the illegal occupation of 20% of Azerbaijan's internationally recognized territories by the Republic of Armenia in the early 1990s, in blatant violation of the United Nations Charter. The Armenian forces carried out ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis, committed crimes against humanity, and perpetrated the horrific Khojaly genocide, one of the most tragic events of our time.

The Azerbaijan Armed Forces achieved a great victory by destroying the Armenian army in the 44-day Patriotic War which broke out on September 27, 2020, following Armenia's new occupation plans, military aggression attempts, and continuous provocations. The war resulted in a historic victory, liberating Azerbaijan's occupied territories after 30 years and restoring the country's territorial integrity, in line with the UN Security Council resolutions.

On September 19, 2023, Azerbaijan launched an anti-terrorist operation in its Karabakh region to prevent large-scale provocations, disarm and expel the formations of the Armenian armed forces from its territory, and restore the constitutional order. The operation, which lasted only 23 hours and ended on September 20, saw the valiant Azerbaijani Army successfully fulfill all its assigned tasks with high professionalism.

This latest brilliant victory has fully restored Azerbaijan's sovereignty. Thanks to this glorious triumph, which holds exceptional significance for the Azerbaijani people, the flag of Azerbaijan now proudly waves in all territories where the country’s sovereignty has been established.


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