Russian Foreign Minister explains reasons for suspension of social payments in Abkhazia

Russia's suspension of social payments in Abkhazia is not an aggravation, it is a question of observing the balance of those obligations that the governments of the two countries have undertaken, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with the RBC TV channel.“I would not call it an aggravation. Here's getting back to what we just talked about: this is the fulfillment of the agreements reached. There is a package of agreements, which is authorized by the presidents, approved by the governments of the two countries. And under these agreements, which have even been ratified in both parliaments, each country has its own obligations. It is simply a question of maintaining the balance of these obligations, and our Abkhazian friends understand this very well,” Lavrov said.Russia suspended social payments in Abkhazia on September 1. They were received by teachers, doctors and employees of law enforcement agencies. Also this fall and winter Moscow will supply electricity to the republic at a commercial price, Shamba said.

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