Western Azerbaijan Community calls on all states to support return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to their homes

“Today, one year has passed since the anti-terrorist measures carried out in the Garabagh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. With these measures, Azerbaijan put an end to the injustice that had been going on for more than thirty years and fully restored the sovereignty of the country,” the Western Azerbaijan Community said in a statement, APA reports.

It was noted in the statement that this decisive step ended Armenia's long-term conspiracy against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan and ensured the supremacy of international law.

"Thus, the systematic fight commenced with the return to power of National Leader Heydar Aliyev in 1993 and was completed under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev. This struggle, which lasted thirty years and resulted in a complete victory, is the embodiment of unity between the people and the state in Azerbaijan.

The steps taken by Azerbaijan not only served its national interests but also defended the principles of international justice. It is a rare celebration of rights and justice in a time when the world is full of chaos and injustice.

Unfortunately, some foreign forces try to portray these achievements in a negative light and re-create tensions through hypocrisy. We demand that these forces respect the norms of international law and not to hinder sustainable peace in the region.

We call on all states to welcome this glorious victory of justice and to support the return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia to their homes to close this painful page of history with dignity," the statement emphasized.

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